Setting a Market Price by using a Comparative Market Analysis performed by a Professional Agent

A precise market price analysis is of the essence when selling a home. It will save anxiousness, time and, therefore, money to the owner. These studies are called Comparative Market Analysis since they will compare the prices of the home to be sold to the ones that have sold recently, to the ones that are on the market right now and to the ones that are on the market but are not selling.

This comparative analysis, if well done, will give a much better estimation of the market price of the property to come out to the market so the property will sell will less problems, faster and, probably, for more price. An overpriced property on the market gets burnt, will stay on the market much longer and as every outdated product will need a additional price reductions to be sold. Is it the same negotiate the price of a home that just hit the market or one that has been one year on it and it is burnt? Experience shows that burnt properties will negotiate for less. A typical question from a buyer is, how long has been on the market? because that tells them how strong is their negotiation power.

Going back to the Comparative Market Analysis, what are the factors that influence the price? The mains are location, the price of comparable properties, the condition of the home, the size of it and the real estate market. This real estate market is also affected by the general economy, the interest rates, government policies and availability of homes for sale. Therefore, preparing a precise Comparative Market Analysis requires full knowledge of the neighborhoods, the properties in those neighborhoods and the market conditions so only professional and knowledgeable agents are prepared to produce those accurate Comparative Market Analysis. If you are thinking on selling, hire one of these professional agents.